Object Environment
Students often have trouble grasping the difference between objects, classes, and the variables which hold them. This article aims to explain object oriented programming by example in Python.
First, let us review a few things.
To create a variable in Python, we simply need to assign it a value:
a = 10
b = "Tacos"
Let’s consider mapping these variables out as we go into something I’m going to call an environment. Environments are simply tables that map the known variables to their values. For example, the code above would have the following environment:
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 10
b | str | "Tacos"
That is, a is a variable that holds the integer 10. We can add new variables to the environment at will.
not_my_gpa = 4.0
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 10
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
That isn’t very interesting. Neither would be changing a variable.
a = [1, 2, 3]
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
If we wanted to use a variable, then Python would have to look up its value in the environment table.
print(b) # finds variable b and gives it to the 'print' function
Sometimes while debugging through a program, it is handy to keep an environment table updated for each step of execution in the program. This is known as tracing a program.
Functions are little snippets of code that complete tasks for us. Say we wanted to write a function that calculates the square of a number. It might look like this:
def square(val):
return val * val
Now, some cool cool stuff happens here when we create square
. First,
it is added to the environment table. Yep, square
is pretty much just
a variable name.
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
square | function |
I’ve left the value empty because functions are special. Something is there and it’s the body of the function.
Let’s call square and see what happens to our environment table.
c = square(10)
There are several steps that happen here. First, we can see that the
value is going to be stored in to a variable c, but we don’t actually
know what value yet. So, Python will evaluate the function call for
us. Whenever Python sees a variable name followed by some parentheses,
possibly with arguments such as 10
, it knows it’s got to do some stuff
for us.
Python will first retrieve the value at the variable square
in our
environment. Then, it will execute the code associated it (the value)
given the arguments. Something special happens then with those
arguments. When the function is evaluated, the arguments are set up in
yet another environment table, specifically for this single call to
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
square | function |
Function call-> square(10):
Variable | Type | Value
val | int | 10
When square
finishes up, it will return the value 100
, which we can then assign to
a new variable c
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
square | function |
c | int | 100
Note that the square(10)
environment is destroyed because it is no longer
needed! If we called square
again, a new environment will be created
specifically for it and whatever argument we give it.
Let’s look at another example:
def power_of_c(val):
z = 1
for i in range(val):
z = z * c
return z
Oh geez, this function is drunk. It uses something that is given as an
argument, creates its own variables, and even uses some outside of it.
How is that possible? It is possible through something known as
scoping. If we call power_of_c
, an environment is created
specifically for it, just like when square
was called.
d = power_of_c(3)
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
square | function |
power_of_c | function |
c | int | 100
Function call-> power_of_c(3):
Variable | Type | Value
val | int | 3
Now the function begins to execute. The first thing that happens is that
it creates a new variable, z
, and gives it the value 1.
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
square | function |
power_of_c | function |
c | int | 100
Function call-> power_of_c(3):
Variable | Type | Value
val | int | 3
z | int | 1
Note that z
is created within the power_of_c(3)
environment. Next,
we begin our loop and start updating z
with z * c
. First loop
through z
will become 100, since c
is 100 and 1 * 100 == 100
Function call-> power_of_c(3):
Variable | Type | Value
val | int | 3
z | int | 100
A second time,
Function call-> power_of_c(3):
Variable | Type | Value
val | int | 3
z | int | 10000
And I think we can see how this ends: with z
holding integer 1000000.
Finally, power_of_c(3)
returns the value held within z
, the
environment is destroyed, and our new variable is created.
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
square | function |
power_of_c | function |
c | int | 100
d | int | 1000000
But how did power_of_c
know where to find c
if it wasn’t in its
environment? It knows because the environments are nested in a sense.
That is, if a variable does not exist within the inner most environment,
Python will try to look it up in the next environment up, or the
environment that was in scope when our new environment was created,
which in our case, is our main environment we started with. Let’s go
ahead and give that environment a name, how about global
? Sounds good
to me.
Variable | Type | Value
a | list | [1, 2, 3]
b | str | "Tacos"
not_my_gpa | float | 4.0
square | function |
power_of_c | function |
c | int | 100
d | int | 1000000
This environment table is special to our program, it’s basically where everything is going to be defined.
Classes and Objects
Alright, now that we’re good with how environments work, let’s finally create some classes. Let’s start with a fresh, empty environment.
a = 1
b = "Tacos"
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, n, d):
self.numerator = n
self.denominator = d
This class will represent a fraction. A fraction has two parts: a numerator and a denominator. Now our global environment looks something like this:
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
Again, I’ve left the value of the Fraction
variable empty. Why?
Because it’s going to operate just like a function did in a sense. Let’s
make some stuff and see what happens!
To use a class, we call it just like we would a function:
half = Fraction(1, 2)
Python knows what’s up when we do this, and handles “calling” the class
specially. First, we create a new Fraction
with values 1 and 2. What
happens is that Python realizes we are trying to do a call on a class,
hands off everything to the constructor, known in Python as __init__
and calls it instead.
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
Create object--> Fraction(1,2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | object | *
n | int | 1
d | int | 2
Or, more specifically:
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
Method call---> Fraction.__init__(*, 1,2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | object | *
n | int | 1
d | int | 2
So, if you were like me back when I was first learning this stuff, you
are asking yourself, “what the hell is self
and why does __init__
get called with three parameters when I only gave Fraction two
arguments?” It’s because the self
parameter is going to be the object
we just created. Python is giving us a chance to initialize some
values for this new object before it returns it and assigns it to the
variable half
. (Real answer: mostly because Python is stupid.)
What the hell is an object?!
Aye. Now we’re at the meat of the subject. An object is simply a thing. Alright, cya next time!
<br ><br ><br ><br ><br ><br ><br ><br ><br ><br ><br ><br >
Just kidding.
A handy thing to do is to think of objects as their own environments.
So, when __init__
is called, it is given 1 and 2, and some object
we’ve named self
. This self
variable is just a reference to a new
environment table!
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
Method call---> Fraction.__init__(*, 1,2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | object | *------\
n | int | 1 |
d | int | 2 |
<Fraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
Right now it’s empty, but that’s because __init__
has just started to
execute. What does it do?
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, n, d):
self.numerator = n
self.denominator = d
Hm. It uses some sort of dot notation to assign the arguments to
variables. Where are these variables created? Within self
! Think of
that dot as “we must go deeper in the environments.”
First it creates a new variable within self
named numerator
, and
assigns it the value of n
. Then the same for the denominator
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
Method call---> Fraction.__init__(*, 1,2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | object | *------\
n | int | 1 |
d | int | 2 |
<Fraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
numerator | int | 1
denominator | int | 2
Welp, that about wraps that up. __init__
finishes, implicitly
returns self
, and destroys its environment. We are now left with
something that looks like this:
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
<Fraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
numerator | int | 1
denominator | int | 2
Note how the value of half
points to that environment representing the
new object. These are known as pointers in other languages, such as C.
(Yep, we’re real creative with names in computer science.) Also, its
type is a Fraction
So, let’s do something with our new fraction. What is its value represented as a float (decimal)?
d = half.numerator / half.denominator
Again, notice the dot notation and how it allows us to access the
environment within half
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
d | float | 0.5 |
<Fraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
numerator | int | 1
denominator | int | 2
Let’s create a few more fractions and have some fun.
third = Fraction(1, 3)
almost_pi = Fraction(22, 7)
Now our set of environments looks like this (I’ve left out the calls to
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
d | float | 0.5 |
third | Fraction | *----------)---\
almost_pi | Fraction | *----------)---)---\
| | |
| | |
/---------------------------------------/ | |
| | |
V | |
<Fraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
numerator | int | 1 | |
denominator | int | 2 | |
| |
/-------------------------------------------/ |
| |
V |
<Fraction> object #2: |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 3 |
<Fraction> object #3:
Variable | Type | Value
numerator | int | 22
denominator | int | 7
Converting our fraction to a float might be useful enough to put in its own fuction.
def to_float(f):
return f.numerator / f.denominator
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
d | float | 0.5 |
third | Fraction | *----------)---\
almost_pi | Fraction | *----------)---)---\
to_float | function | | | |
| | |
... ... ...
To use to_float
, we give it an entire Fraction object. Yup. The whole
many_three = to_float(third)
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
d | float | 0.5 |
third | Fraction | *----------)---\
almost_pi | Fraction | *----------)---)---\
to_float | function | | | |
| | |
... | ...
| |
V |
<Fraction> object #2: |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 3 |
Function call-> to_float(third): |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
f | Fraction | *----------/
Notice when to_float(third)
’s environment is created, its parameter
points to the same fraction as the argument third
. When
begins execution, it will use the dot notation to access
values within f
, or as it is here, third
We can apply to_float
a few times to different Fraction
s and the
same thing will happen every time.
zero_five = to_float(half)
pi_ish = to_float(almost_pi)
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
d | float | 0.5 |
third | Fraction | *----------)---\
almost_pi | Fraction | *----------)---)---\
to_float | function | | | |
many_three | float | 0.333... | | |
zero_five | float | 0.5 | | |
pi_ish | float | 3.14... | | |
| | |
... ... ...
Alright. Time to introduce something new. Method, as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary is:
method, n.
A procedure for attaining an object.
- A recommended or prescribed medical treatment for a specific disease.
- More generally: a way of doing anything, esp. according to a defined and regular plan; a mode of procedure in any activity, business, etc.
Actually, this is close enough I can stop here, because if you have learned anything in computer science yet, you know that we name things in a sort-of-but-not-really fashion. Here’s our definition of method:
method, n.
A procedure related to an object.
- See definition for function.
What I’m trying to get at is that there is no practical difference between functions and methods other than methods are defined within a class and become part of the environment for objects created from that class.
Let’s suppose our Fraction class had the to_float
function built right
in. Starting with a fresh global environment:
a = 1
b = "Tacos"
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, n, d):
self.numerator = n
self.denominator = d
def to_float(self):
return self.numerator / self.denominator
half = Fraction(1, 2)
third = Fraction(1, 3)
almost_pi = Fraction(22, 7)
Now our all our environments are structured like this:
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
third | Fraction | *----------)---\
almost_pi | Fraction | *----------)---)---\
| | |
| | |
/---------------------------------------/ | |
| | |
V | |
<Fraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
numerator | int | 1 | |
denominator | int | 2 | |
to_float | function | | |
| |
/-------------------------------------------/ |
| |
V |
<Fraction> object #2: |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 3 |
to_float | function | |
<Fraction> object #3:
Variable | Type | Value
numerator | int | 22
denominator | int | 7
to_float | function |
P rad, yeah? Now each Fraction
object has its own to_float
, much
like how it has its own numerator and denominator. So, how can we use
zero_five = half.to_float()
many_three = third.to_float()
pi_ish = almost_pi.to_float()
Yep, we use the same dot notation as before, only this time we attach
a ()
to the end so Python knows we’re calling a function
A call to third.to_float() creates environments just like before, only
now self
is the pointer to third
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | 1
b | str | "Tacos"
Fraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
third | Fraction | *----------)---\
almost_pi | Fraction | *----------)---)---\
| | |
... | ...
| |
V |
<Fraction> object #2: |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 3 |
to_float | function | |
Method call-> third.to_float(): |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
self | Fraction | *------/
*busts an air guitar solo*
Most things are object-like
In Python, you can treat just about everything like an object, even strings.
b = "Tacos"
print(b) # prints "Tacos" to screen
c = b.upper()
d = b.swapcase()
print(c) # prints "TACOS" to screen
print(d) # prints "tACOS" to screen
Neat, yeah? So that means… dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn:
Variable | Type | Value
a | int | *------------------------------\
b | str | *------------------------------)---\
Fraction | class | | |
half | Fraction | *----------\ | |
third | Fraction | *----------)---\ | |
almost_pi | Fraction | *----------)---)---\ | |
c | str | *----------)---)---)---\ | |
d | str | *----------)---)---)---)---\ | |
| | | | | | |
... ... ... ... ... ... |
<str> object #1: "Tacos"
Variable | Type | Value
upper | function |
swapcase | function |
... | ... |
Yeah, I left a lot out. I am getting lazy and all this taco-talk is making me hungry, but I think you get the idea: the environment actually just holds pointers to all the objects for variables.
Classes holding objects that are classes holding objects that are…
Alright, let’s get real crazy here before I go eat. In addition to our Fraction class, we’ll add ourselves a MixedFraction. MixedFractions are whole numbers (ints) and Fraction objects combined together like peanut butter and jelly. It’s beautiful.
And while we’re at it, let’s go on and create a to_float
method that
will convert the mixed fraction into a floating point number.
Here goes:
class MixedFraction:
def __init__(self, whole_num, fraction_obj):
self.whole_num = whole_num
self.fraction_obj = fraction_obj
def to_float(self):
val = float(self.whole_num)
# float() is a built-in function that
# can convert integers to floats.
val += self.fraction_obj.to_float()
# ask the fraction for its floating point value!
return ret
That’s pretty straight forward, yeah? This is known as an aggregation relationship, as MixedFraction is composed of a Fraction, but isn’t responsible for it (i.e., it was created outside of the class.)
Let’s make some MixedFractions and look at the environment.
half = Fraction(1, 2)
one_and_a_half = MixedFraction(1, half)
Now, our environment holds this:
Variable | Type | Value
Fraction | class |
MixedFraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
one_and_a_half | MixedF...| *----------)---\
| |
| |
/---------------------------------------+---/ |
| | |
V | |
<Fraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
numerator | int | 1 | |
denominator | int | 2 | |
to_float | function | | |
| |
| |
V |
<MixedFraction> object #1: |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
whole_num | int | 1 |
fraction_obj| Fraction | *----------/
to_float | function |
If we were to, for example, call to_float
on one_and_a_half
, what would
z = one_and_a_half.to_float()
I’ll work this one step by step. I just ordered Jimmy John’s for delivery so we got time.
First, we ask one_and_a_half
to execute the to_float
method. A new
temporary environment is created for it to work in, but isn’t very
interesting since MixedFractions.to_float
needs no parameters:
Variable | Type | Value
Fraction | class |
MixedFraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
one_and_a_half | MixedF...| *----------)---\
| |
| |
/---------------------------------------+---/ |
| | |
V | |
<Fraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
numerator | int | 1 | |
denominator | int | 2 | |
to_float | function | | |
| |
| | |
V | |
<MixedFraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
whole_num | int | 1 | |
fraction_obj| Fraction | *----------/ |
to_float | function | |
Method call-> one_and_a_half.to_float(): |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
self | MixedF...| *----------/
This should look familiar, because it is the same thing as when we did
before. However, the MixedFractions
version of
is a whole lot different when it executes.
Here’s MixedFraction
’s to_float
for reference:
def to_float(self):
val = float(self.whole_num)
# float() is a built-in function that
# can convert integers to floats.
val += self.fraction_obj.to_float()
# ask the fraction for its floating point value!
return ret
First, on line 2, it gets the floating point of the whole number part
and stores it to a variable cleverly named val
... ...
| |
| | |
V | |
<MixedFraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
whole_num | int | 1 | |
fraction_obj| Fraction | *----------/ |
to_float | function | |
Method call-> one_and_a_half.to_float(): |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
self | MixedF...| *----------/
val | float | 1.0
Then, on line 6, it does something we haven’t seen before: double dots! But by now, you should be able to smell what The Rock cookin’.
- The first dot resolves
to theMixedFraction
object. - The second dot resolves
to theFraction
object. - Then, we ask that
to execute itsto_float
By the time we’ve done all of that, we’ve got this mess:
... ...
| |
/---------------------------------------+---/ |
| | |
V | |
<Fraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ +-------)---\
numerator | int | 1 | | |
denominator | int | 2 | | |
to_float | function | | | |
| | |
| | |
/---------------------------------------)---+---/ |
| | | |
V | | |
<MixedFraction> object #1: | | |
Variable | Type | Value | | |
------------------------------ | | |
whole_num | int | 1 | | |
fraction_obj| Fraction | *----------/ | |
to_float | function | | |
| |
| |
| |
Method call-> one_and_a_half.to_float(): | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
self | MixedF...| *----------/ |
val | float | 1.0 |
Method call-------> self.fraction_obj.to_float() |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
self | Fraction | *----------/
We are talking about line 6 still. Note that the environment for this
call has its own self
within. That self
is the Fraction
Thankfully this method doesn’t do a whole whole lot and returns the
represented as a floating point value pretty much
immediately. So, that temporary environment is destroyed and we are left
with this:
... ...
| |
| | |
V | |
<MixedFraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
whole_num | int | 1 | |
fraction_obj| Fraction | *----------/ |
to_float | function | |
Method call-> one_and_a_half.to_float(): |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
self | MixedF...| *----------/
val | float | 1.5
Finally, we have our MixedFraction
as a float, and this method call
environment returns val
and is destroyed. Now we can update our global
environment with z
Variable | Type | Value
Fraction | class |
MixedFraction | class |
half | Fraction | *----------\
one_and_a_half | MixedF...| *----------)---\
z | float | 1.5 | |
| |
/---------------------------------------+---/ |
| | |
V | |
<Fraction> object #1: | |
Variable | Type | Value | |
------------------------------ | |
numerator | int | 1 | |
denominator | int | 2 | |
to_float | function | | |
| |
| |
V |
<MixedFraction> object #1: |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
whole_num | int | 1 |
fraction_obj| Fraction | *----------/
to_float | function |
What if we were drunk and decided to make MixedFraction
inherit from
? That seems like a totally reasonable thing to do, right?
After all, isn’t a mixed fraction just a special representation of
a fraction?
class MixedFraction(Fraction):
def __init__(self, whole_num, numerator, denominator):
new_num = numerator + (whole_num * denominator)
super().__init__(new_num, denominator)
And look at that, we are pretty much done! MixedFraction will inherit
the Fraction version of to_float, and because of how we wrote our
constructors everything will just work. So what about this super()
Let’s start with a clean environment and make ourselves a MixedFraction
one_and_a_half = MixedFraction(1, 1, 2)
taco = one_and_a_half.to_float()
Variable | Type | Value
Fraction | class |
MixedFraction | class |
Method call-> MixedFraction.__init__(*, 1, 1, 2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | MixedF...| *------\
whole_num | int | 1 |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 2 |
<MixedFraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
When its constructor begins executing, we calculate a new_num
that represents the whole number added back into the fraction’s numerator.
Method call-> MixedFraction.__init__(*, 1, 1, 2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | MixedF...| *------\
whole_num | int | 1 |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 2 |
new_num | int | 3 |
<MixedFraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
Alright, now things get cray cray. We make a call to super()
, and then
use the dot notation on that? What the…?
Since it is just a function call, what does super()
return? Well,
that’s for another discussion, but it returns something we can just call
the “super object”. The super object is an object that we can ask, just
as before, execute methods for us using methods from the superclass of
the object we are in. It allows us to call methods that exist in both
the class and the class inherited from.
In this instance, super()
can basically operate as an alias for
, and as a way to tell Python how to use methods we have two of,
such as the constructor.
So, we make the call to the constructor of Fraction
Method call-> MixedFraction.__init__(*, 1, 1, 2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | MixedF...| *----------\
whole_num | int | 1 |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 2 |
new_num | int | 3 |
Method call----> Fraction.__init__(self, 3, 2) |
Variable | Type | Value |
------------------------------ |
self | MixedF...| *------+
numerator | int | 3 |
denominator | int | 2 |
<MixedFraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
Now we begin execution of the constructor of Fraction
. Notice now how
the self within its environment is the MixedFraction
! Baller! It
completes and is destroyed, leaving us this:
Method call-> MixedFraction.__init__(*, 1, 1, 2):
Variable | Type | Value
self | MixedF...| *----------\
whole_num | int | 1 |
numerator | int | 1 |
denominator | int | 2 |
new_num | int | 3 |
<MixedFraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
numerator | int | 3
denominator | int | 2
to_float | function |
Anywhozzles, once the constructor of MixedFraction
completes, we are
left with an environment that looks like this:
Variable | Type | Value
Fraction | class |
MixedFraction | class |
one_and_a_half | MixedF...| *------\
<MixedFraction> object #1:
Variable | Type | Value
numerator | int | 3
denominator | int | 2
to_float | function |
Cool, right? Okay, my sandwich is here. Time to go. Until next time…